17 marzo - WEdnesday WEbinar - Why and How of RTTP
The profession of knowledge transfer manager requires a series of competences which can be developed with specific courses and with a training on the job. ATTP (Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals) identified these competences and experiences and has been promoting international standard for knowledge and technology transfer professionals. In particular, the RTTP (Registered Technology Transfer Professional) designation is awarded to professionals demonstrating such competences and achievement in the field (https://attp.global). More than 800 RTTP are currently designated in the world but, despite the good level of knowledge transfer managers in Italy, just a few of them are designated RTTP. This webinar aims at explaining the importance of RTTP and the details of application process, requirements and criteria, to help members of the Italian KT community who are interested in becoming RTTP.
Jeff Skinner, London Business School
Alwin Wong, Chair ATTP
17 marzo ore 14.00-17.00: Why and How of RTTP - Jeff Skinner, London Business School e Alwin Wong, ATTP
14 maggio ore 15.00-17.00: KT Advocacy - Stephen Susalka, AUTM
16 luglio ore 14.00-17.00: AI in Healthtech - Claudio Truzzi, Université libre de Bruxelles
22 ottobre ore 14.00-17.00: Standard Essential Patents e uso degli Standard per valorizzare la ricerca (Relatore in fase di definizione)
4 We-We: 1 persona € 250 + IVA (esclusa fee RTTP 17 marzo)
4 We-We: 1 persona € 500 + IVA (inclusa fee RTTP 17 marzo)
3 We-We: 1 persona € 200 + IVA (escluso We-We 17 marzo)
1 We-We: 1 persona € 150 + IVA
(Acquista un We-We e partecipa ad 1 altro GRATUITAMENTE, escluso 17 marzo)
1 We-We 17 marzo inclusa fee RTTP: 1 persona € 300 + IVA
4 We-We: 1 persona € 400 + IVA (esclusa fee RTTP 17 marzo)
3 We-We: 1 persona € 350 + IVA (escluso We-We 17 marzo)
1 We-We: 1 persona € 210 + IVA (escluso We-We 17 marzo)
(Acquista un webinar e partecipa ad 1 altro GRATUITAMENTE, escluso 17 marzo)
Link iscrizioni: https://zfrmz.eu/uVX4OtwjpEdRi1Mtquqd
I link per il collegamento da remoto ai Wednesday Webinar saranno forniti successivamente all’iscrizione, il giorno prima del Webinar.