New Job Position – Communications

24 Maggio 2022

Location: Pavia, Italy (Personalised mix of work from home/office)

This is an exciting time for us as we continue to grow and expand our offerings to our Netval network.

As the association is steadily growing, we are looking to onboard a new Junior Marketing & Comms Officer to be part of our team. As part of the role, you will contribute to the growth of the association and the Knowledge Share Platform, by improving and establishing marketing and communication strategies, on our website, social media channel, intranet and create content for the monthly newsletter. You will actively take part in organizing, hosting and divulgating news about webinars, events and workshops. Plus, you will have the opportunity to work on the innovation campaigns that with run in collaboration with similar organization and other stakeholders within the tech transfer ecosystem, at a national and international level.

Deadline for applications: 30 June 2022

To Apply:
Send a Cover Letter accompanied by an up-to-date CV to:
For further information please write to us at:

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